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How to Make Your Franchisees Happy

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Approximately one out of every 12 businesses in the U.S. is a Franchise and this number is expected to grow. With so many new Franchises, it is important to set yours up for success. A key way to accomplish that is by ensuring your Franchisees are happy and continue to be productive. Across the board, three main concepts have proven…
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How to Succeed in Your Startup Business

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Starting your own business is always a daunting process. Risks are high, experience if often minimal, and everything is on the line. Nine out of ten startups businesses fail. The worst part is that a lot of these failures are easily preventable. So before you risk it all, take some advice from the pros and ensure that you are apart…
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Best Business Books to Read in 2018

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Keeping up with business news, updates, and especially books can be a struggle when you live a very busy life, as most business professionals do. One of the best ways to keep your mind sharp with what’s going on now is reading business books that were written to help professionals such as yourself. These books can prove to be very…
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Fastest Growing Industries in the US

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Since the recession in 2007, the economy has been on a slow journey back up to where it was. Even though that growth has been slow at some points, it still has been growing and leaving markets open for expansion. Some of the fastest growing industries have just recently started booming, and others have been on a growth frenzy for…
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Is Franchising Expected to Grow or Shrink?

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Franchising is the epitome of the American Dream. It allows for motivated entrepreneurs that do not have the capital to start their own business to still have an opportunity to own and run something of their own. It is also a great stepping stone for those who want to eventually start or franchise their own business. It provides the opportunity…
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5 Things to Consider Before Franchising

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You started a business a couple of years ago and now business is all of the sudden booming. Everything is going better than planned and you want to keep the momentum going, so your first thought is, “Should I start franchising?”. Franchising can be a great step for a lot of businesses that can create an opportunity for them to…
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Top Reasons Why Franchises Fail

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Starting a franchise can be a daunting task for those who have never done it before. It is a bold move that either skyrockets your business or drags it down in the dust. A franchise failing is not always the franchisees or franchisors fault. Most of the time it is a combination of both of their faults. Knowing why most…
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